What Are Dental Crowns Used For?

Dentist Blog

If your dentist just told you that you may be a dental crown, you may have visions of your mouth covered in a crown full of jewels like a king. However, dental crowns are a little less luxurious than that. To help you learn a little bit more about dental crowns and what they are used for, this article is going to go over a few different scenarios in which you may need one.

4 December 2018

5 Reasons To Give Invisalign A Try For Your Teeth Straightening Needs

Dentist Blog

If you're not happy with the appearance of your teeth or if you're having pain or discomfort concerns due to teeth or jaw alignment, it may be time to get professional help. Luckily there are options out there to help you re-align your teeth and your jaw! You don't have to go the normal braces route if you're looking to correct your smile. Modern options like Invisalign make it easy to get the help that you need with additional benefits.

31 October 2018

Should You Get Dental Sealant For Your Child's Baby Teeth?

Dentist Blog

If your dentist has ever recommended that your child get dental sealants, it might have come as a surprise. This technique can help to prevent cavities and other problems by creating an extra layer on the outside of your child's teeth. However, if your child still has their baby teeth, it might seem foolish to spend money on this before their adult teeth start to come in. Here's why it's actually pretty darn useful for baby teeth, too.

4 October 2018

Getting Ready For Dental Surgery? Here Are Some Tips You Can Use

Dentist Blog

As a dental patient, your number one job after oral surgery is focusing on your recovery. Your dentist should provide you with a list of aftercare procedures, but here is some additional information that you should know. You will need a little time off work. Oral surgery is just like any other type of surgery -- and you need rest in order to recover properly. Anticipate the need for at least two days off work in order to give yourself plenty of time to get through the post-surgical phase.

11 September 2018

Why Should You Seek Treatment For Your Periodontitis?

Dentist Blog

As you get older, your overall health may decline, including your oral health. Poor oral hygiene, bad eating habits, etc. may lead to gum disease. While mild gum disease may be reversible, periodontitis can have long-term, detrimental effects to your oral health. If you haven't been seeking treatment for your periodontitis, check out these reasons you should see a dental service. Gum Disease Is an Infection When you eat, plaque builds on your teeth, which attracts bacteria.

14 August 2018

4 Faqs About Dental Crowns

Dentist Blog

Most people, at some point or another, will need to have a crown put on one of their teeth. Dentists typically have a lot of experience placing crowns, so the procedure tends to go smoothly. However, you may still have some questions about your upcoming crown appointment. Keep reading; you should discover the answers. Will Getting a Crown Hurt? If your dentist did not give you any numbing medications, getting a crown could be a bit uncomfortable because your dentist has to file some of your enamel away to make space for the crown.

23 July 2018

Don't Mess With Your Teeth: Why You Need To Care For Cavities While They're Small

Dentist Blog

If you've got a cavity, the worst thing you can do is delay treatment. You might think that your small cavity doesn't need treatment, but it's not going to stay small forever. In fact, without proper treatment, that small cavity is going to become something that will cause you considerable pain and discomfort. Before you decide to postpone treatment a bit longer, here are four reasons why you need have have that small cavity repaired as quickly as possible.

24 June 2018

Tired Of Whitening? Here's Why It's Time To Upgrade To Veneers

Dentist Blog

Whitening your teeth can provide you with a temporary improvement in your teeth. However, most tooth whitening eventually succumbs to the discoloration that comes with the daily use of your teeth. If you're tired of getting your teeth whitened on a regular basis, it might be time to give yourself the upgrade of dental veneers. Keep reading to learn more about these dental devices and how they can help you.

21 April 2018

Three Things To Know About Orthodontic Treatments

Dentist Blog

A beautiful smile will be a feature of your face that is one of the first things others will notice about your appearance. Unfortunately, there are misconceptions about orthodontic treatments that can hinder the ability of patients to make informed decisions about undergoing these treatments. You may want to consider a few points about orthodontic treatment to help you better decide whether these treatments are right for your situation. Adults Can Undergo Orthodontic Adjustments

21 April 2018

How To Handle Three Common Dental Emergencies

Dentist Blog

If you ever find yourself in a dental emergency, you want to know what you need to do to protect and take care of your mouth before you have to act. Being educated on how to handle dental emergencies will ensure that should you or someone around you damage their mouth, you'll know how to act in an appropriate manner that will minimize pain and prevent more damage to the mouth.

23 March 2018