
How Durable Are Dental Crowns?

Dentist Blog

When teeth become heavily damaged due to decay or some other issue, they'll need to undergo a restorative procedure if they're not to be extracted. There are a few restorative procedures that can be used but crowns are more popular than the alternatives. Durability is the main concern of many patients who are considering getting dental crowns. This procedure can be pricey depending on the type of crown being put in.

29 May 2019

What To Know Before Going To The Dentist

Dentist Blog

When it comes to healthy teeth and gums, there's more to it than just daily brushing and flossing. While proper oral hygiene habits are key, visits to the dentist are also an essential part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Nearly 91 percent of Americans between the ages of 20 and 64 have dental decay. Regular checkups and cleanings can help identify the signs of decay and put a stop to it before it leads to major damage.

3 May 2019

Do You Have An Infected Tooth? Let's Find Out

Dentist Blog

It is very important to make sure that you are not letting an infected tooth go without proper professional treatment. If you do, you are putting yourself at risk for having to experience an intense amount of pain. You could also be putting yourself in a lot of danger. Therefore, you will want to review the following signs that may indicate that you have an infected tooth that needs to be examined by a general dentist as soon as possible.

27 March 2019

Should Your Child Have A Root Canal On A Baby Tooth?

Dentist Blog

If your child has a serious cavity in a baby tooth, their dentist may recommend a root canal and crown to preserve the tooth structure and prevent future orthodontic problems. But does it always make sense to have a crown placed on a tooth your child may lose soon? When is an extraction the preferable option? Read on to learn more about these two dental options and what you should consider when scheduling your child's next dental procedure.

28 February 2019

Potential Risks Of In-Home Whitening Systems

Dentist Blog

If you have always wanted a brighter smile, then you have probably considered using one of the many in-home whitening systems that are available at most drug stores. While effective in bleaching your teeth, these products do not come without potential risks. It is for this reason that you should make an appointment with a cosmetic dentist, who can offer you safe and effective in-office treatment options for whiter teeth. Here are some potential risks you may face as a result of in-home whitening systems.

30 January 2019

Three Ways To Improve The Oral Health Of Your Whole Family

Dentist Blog

Keeping your own teeth healthy is hard enough, but when you have a family to look after, things get even more complicated. After all, you can't be expected to supervise their dental hygiene habits every day! But even so, that doesn't mean that you can't have a hand in their oral health. Here's what you can do to boost your family's oral hygiene without saying a word about brushing or flossing.

2 January 2019

What Are Dental Crowns Used For?

Dentist Blog

If your dentist just told you that you may be a dental crown, you may have visions of your mouth covered in a crown full of jewels like a king. However, dental crowns are a little less luxurious than that. To help you learn a little bit more about dental crowns and what they are used for, this article is going to go over a few different scenarios in which you may need one.

4 December 2018

5 Reasons To Give Invisalign A Try For Your Teeth Straightening Needs

Dentist Blog

If you're not happy with the appearance of your teeth or if you're having pain or discomfort concerns due to teeth or jaw alignment, it may be time to get professional help. Luckily there are options out there to help you re-align your teeth and your jaw! You don't have to go the normal braces route if you're looking to correct your smile. Modern options like Invisalign make it easy to get the help that you need with additional benefits.

31 October 2018

Should You Get Dental Sealant For Your Child's Baby Teeth?

Dentist Blog

If your dentist has ever recommended that your child get dental sealants, it might have come as a surprise. This technique can help to prevent cavities and other problems by creating an extra layer on the outside of your child's teeth. However, if your child still has their baby teeth, it might seem foolish to spend money on this before their adult teeth start to come in. Here's why it's actually pretty darn useful for baby teeth, too.

4 October 2018

Getting Ready For Dental Surgery? Here Are Some Tips You Can Use

Dentist Blog

As a dental patient, your number one job after oral surgery is focusing on your recovery. Your dentist should provide you with a list of aftercare procedures, but here is some additional information that you should know. You will need a little time off work. Oral surgery is just like any other type of surgery -- and you need rest in order to recover properly. Anticipate the need for at least two days off work in order to give yourself plenty of time to get through the post-surgical phase.

11 September 2018