If you are missing some teeth or need to have some teeth removed in the foreseeable future, then you might be concerned about how you are going to replace those teeth. There are several options available to you: dentures, dental bridges and implants. To help you make a more informed decision about how you want to replace your teeth, here is an introduction to dental implants.
What are dental implants?
A dental implant is an entirely synthetic tooth that has all of the basic functionality of a regular tooth. A dental implant consists of three main parts: the implant, the abutment, and the crown.
The implant is a small metal device that looks somewhat like a screw. It is drilled into the jawbone and forms the base of the synthetic tooth and is used to anchor the crown.
The abutment joins the implant and the crown. Without an abutment, the crown would have no way of easily and comfortably resting with your other teeth.
The crown is the visible part of the tooth that is used for chewing. Crowns are also used in procedures such as root canals, where large portions of teeth must be removed.
How are dental implants installed?
The process of installing a dental implant actually takes a few visits to a dentist at a clinic like Olympia Dental and Implant Center over a long period of time.
On the first visit, the dentist will need to open up the gums at the site in question, insert the implant into the gums, and then allow the area to heal. This can take quite a bit of time, after which the implant will then be exposed again.
On the second visit, the abutment is attached to the implant. There are many different types of abutments, with varying levels of quality and cost. Again, your gums must be allowed to heal before proceeding.
On the next (and possibly final) visit, the crown is attached to the abutment. Every crown is custom-made, so it might take several weeks in order for yours to be ready. After this point, you will basically have a fully functioning synthetic tooth.
Of course, you might need to return to the dentist in order to make that everything has healed properly. If at any point during the multiple healing processes, you feel intense discomfort or pain, you should immediately contact your doctor. This could indicate that something went wrong with the surgery and that you might actually have an infection.
Share21 July 2015
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